The Dieline: проект по редизайну обойных клеев BOSTIK на ведущем американском портале о дизайне упаковки

Дата публикации: 12.05.2016

Редакция ведущего американского портала о дизайне упаковки The Dieline опубликовала проект по редизайну сухих обойных клеев BOSTIK — мирового лидера в области клеящих материалов. Дизайн новой линейки разработало брендинговое агентство Depot WPF.

Редакция ведущего американского портала о дизайне упаковки The Dieline опубликовала проект по редизайну сухих обойных клеев BOSTIK — мирового лидера в области клеящих материалов. Дизайн новой линейки разработало брендинговое агентство Depot WPF.

Дизайн упаковки, Depot WPF, брендинг, редизайн

One of the world’s leaders in adhesive materials production is Bostik, with locations in five continents. In Russia, Bostik is known well for its products in the upper-mid market. Depot WPF helped Bostik to expand their line with a range of lower priced wallpaper pastes.  

Дизайн упаковки, Depot WPF, брендинг, редизайн

Дизайн упаковки, Depot WPF, брендинг, редизайн

“Taking into account that the consumers more and more often switch to cheap no-name products the company decided to launch a new range of wallpaper paste in low-price segment. It includes 3 products for different types of wallpaper paste: FLIZILEX, VINYLEX and SIMPLEX. The brief was to create packaging design for the range that would turn it into a separate sub-brand.”

Дизайн упаковки, Depot WPF, брендинг, редизайн

“The design is based on a simple and clear typographic solution with a special accent to the product names. The yellow and black color code was chosen since it has become classical for the construction market and it's also a symbol of ‘German quality’ on Russian market. Special attention was drawn to the backside of the packaging. Here you'll find user's manual and handy tips for the customers with neat pictograms illustrating every step.”  

Дизайн упаковки, Depot WPF, брендинг, редизайн

LEX Wallpaper Paste has an updated look that offers an easy solution to consumers. The colors are inviting and eye-catching without being too intensely bright, and large letters further help buyers to quickly pick out what they need. Getting rid of the images on the front makes the paste seem more professional, instilling the buyer's’ trust in the brand.  

Дизайн упаковки, Depot WPF, брендинг, редизайн

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