Lebensmittel zeitung: Выявление потребностей и визуальная стимуляция спроса

Дата публикации: 12.01.2015

Немецкая еженедельная газета Lebensmittel zeitung в статье о восприятии упаковки в числе успешных кейсов привела проект брендингового агентства Depot WPF "Высоко-Высоко".

Немецкая еженедельная газета Lebensmittel zeitung в статье о восприятии упаковки в числе успешных кейсов привела проект брендингового агентства Depot WPF "Высоко-Высоко".

высоко-высоко, дизайн упаковки, packaging design, branding agency, Depot WPF


If in Germany the consumer wishes for greater clarity and simplicity, the consumers of Russia and Byelorussia yearn for a return of the “good times”: “In the past everything was better, more natural, tasted better, and, in general, childhood was the happiest time of life. Nostalgia unites us with that which we always love or have ever loved”, is how Anna Lukanina, Managing Director of the brand agency Depot WPF in Moscow, describes the trend towards nostalgia that has swept across Russia. Her creative team wanted to catch precisely this mood when it received the contract from the Russian dairy company Vysoko-Vysoko (Sky High) to develop a new brand image. In order to meet this brief, the team drew upon childhood associations.

The designer felt it was particularly important that the consumer be made fully aware of the current problem. Many dairy products in Russia contain a high level of preservatives. This has led to widely held concern among consumers that supermarkets are unlikely to sell pure, natural-tasting milk free of preservatives. In order to promote these precise qualities of Vysoko-Vysoko, Depot WPF created an emotional, honest brand which appeals to childhood associations and thereby to a time when everything was right in the world. This is achieved by using a palette of light colours and illustrations created in water colours in a childlike style from the viewpoint of a child’s eyes: pure, honest, genuine. Like fresh milk straight from the farm.

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