FoodBev Media: Что ждут от заявок жюри мировой индустриальной премии World Dairy Innovation Award?

Дата публикации: 27.04.2016

Издательство FoodBev Media, рассказывающее об инновационных продуктах в сфере пищевой промышленности и мировых трендах индустрии, обратилось к управляющему партеру Depot WPF Анне Луканиной с просьбой поделиться ожиданиями от предстоящего жюрения премии World Dairy Innovation Award.

Издательство FoodBev Media, рассказывающее об инновационных продуктах в сфере пищевой промышленности и мировых трендах индустрии, обратилось к управляющему партеру Depot WPF Анне Луканиной с просьбой поделиться ожиданиями от предстоящего жюрения премии World Dairy Innovation Award.

Depot WPF managing partner Anna Lukanina told what she is looking for in the World Dairy Innovation Awards.

— Speaking about branding, it is much easier to create new brands from scratch than to adapt existing brand strategies. To satisfy the needs of consumers, the dairy industry is slowly changing itself. Even the well-established big brands have to reshape in order to meet changing consumer needs and market conditions.

The consumer today is becoming more health-conscious. The producers are now offering a range of products that are in line with consumer expectations. All-natural is one of the biggest trends that could be cross-applied to many product categories. No nasties signs, simple and natural design are the attribute of the brands with all-natural positioning.

The conflict between the consumerist impulses and the desire to be good and smart gave a start to the new kind of consumption — “guilt-free consumption”. We want to be free from worries about wrong consumption and feel indulgent.

My expectations of being a part of a jury

As an expert in the field of branding and design I am looking forward to seeing how dairy brands react to the new market conditions. The selective consumption requires the selective marketing tools in order to reach the consumer. The creative solutions matters only if they impact the market and contribute to the brand awareness.



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